Let the BRAVE ACCELERATOR help you get out of your own head so that you can be a HAPPIER, BEST SELF version of WHO YOU TRULY ARE! 



“Prior to taking Stephanie's course, I felt overwhelmed and out of touch with the positive qualities I knew existed inside me, but were lost in my new role as a mother (during a pandemic). Stephanie's course helped me gain the confidence that was missing and helped me tune into my own inner voice and learn the skills to tune out the noise. I love that she brings science based evidence and research into her lessons while cultivating a warm, caring, and open environment. During our cohort, she took the time to better understand our unique struggles and provided accessible steps towards a healthier journey. I would definitely recommend her course to anyone who wants to feel more at peace. I am so happy and thankful to have invested my time and money into this course!”

Punam, Business Intellligence Manager

⚠️ Does motherhood feel HARDER than you 



⚠️ Do you CONSTANTLY feel stressed and overwhelmed with everything going on in life


⚠️ Are you having a hard time STAYING positive and optimistic? 


⚠️ Do you feel ALONE and like you're NEVER doing 'enough'?


⚠️ Are you just plain exhausted trying to BALANCE and KEEP UP with all the demands of work, life, and motherhood?



That's why I created The BRAVE Accelerator

You will...

  • Learn to manage your emotions with ease and approach life with more patience and positivity than ever before!

  • Break free from mom-guilt and unlock the confidence you’ve been looking for

  • Ditch the stress and anxiety that consumes you every day

  • Be present and connected in ALL of your relationships by finding a better balance in work, life, and motherhood

  • Discover how you're defending yourself from others and what to do about it

All while...

Connecting with a supportive community of mamas who share your feelings and are becoming their best self just like you!


Gone are the days where you are ok with being inauthentic so others will like you. Can I get an AMEN?!

The good news is...

You don't have to figure this out alone!

Join hundreds of others who have gone through this material with ME to identify their triggers, so that they can more effectively manage their emotions!

Take it from other mama's who have been in your shoes!


“I wasn’t sure what to expect going into BRAVE. I knew I had become isolated (thanks pandemic), but I didn’t realize how it had affected me emotionally, especially in my relationships. This program has helped me open up and be a better me. I now recognize and am more aware of my emotions. My whole attitude has changed and I’ve become happier because I am communicating better with my husband and others. Stephanie knows how to push you out of your comfort zone in a gentle way. She is genuine and is truly here to help you.

Rena Howk


You deserve to feel confident in



And now you can!

With The BRAVE Accelerator Course Or VIP Option



Here is what you'll get in the course...



Here is what you'll get in the VIP option...

Are You Ready For a Life Changer?

The BRAVE Accelerator Course

1 payment

Per Month 

The BRAVE Accelerator VIP

1 payment

Per Month




Oh My God, Stephanie. I did First-Truth-First with my husband yesterday and today when we were having a conversation and it worked. It worked. He calmed down, he did what I wanted him to. It worked. I’m still in shock. I’m in the middle of rewatching the entire BRAVE Conversations content again just to make it stick. I’m still in shock — my marriage is literally disintegrating, so I need this!”

- BRAVE Alumni


More in control of your emotional reactions, less wound up, and less overwhelmed with whatever life throws at you


Less anxious and overwhelmed about not being able to do it all perfectly. You will feel the weight lift off your shoulders


More confident, satisfied, and at peace with yourself, your relationships, and your parenting abilities 

This program is perfect for you if you want:

1.  A proven process on how to identify the root cause of your insecurities and limiting beliefs, so that you can conquer them...because let's face it, if you don't address the root cause, nothing will change


2. A close-knit community of women who are willing to be vulnerable and work through the real stuff (it's going to take doing the inner work)


3. A safe place to be yourself, (re)discover yourself, and not be judged for any of it along the way


  And that is EXACTLY what 
 The BRAVE Accelerator provides! 

Steph, why do you care so much about this? 

You see, I have this thing about surface level training that just tells you to change your behavior. I know you might feel that way, too. 


They promise the world, but then you fall back into old patterns because the root cause was not addressed!


The reality is - you don’t need a one-size-fits-all solution. 


You need a solution that helps you figure out your triggers and gives you a clear path forward on what to do once you’ve identified those triggers.

Hi, I'm Stephanie Lopez!

I'm a mom of two beautiful girls - Annabella and Sophia.

I worked at NASA for eight years as an Organizational Psychologist. I hold a doctorate in Organizational Psychology and I am also a Licensed Human Element® Practitioner and Brain-Based Coach.


I guide women in all stages of motherhood (re)discover themselves. My passion lies in helping moms become more authentic and self-aware because both are directly correlated with how effective you will be in motherhood, at work, and in life.


I specialize in helping moms build the capacity to hold crucial conversations and address interpersonal issues when they arise with your spouse, family, in-laws, friends, or coworkers.


I'm known for creating a humbling and exciting coaching environment where I gently edge clients closer to powerful insights. We always investigate the root cause(s) of issues so that you can make the lasting changes you crave.


(The fact that this worked for others means that it will for you too!)

You've tried it all...


    Checklists, more vulnerability, less vulnerability, more authenticity, less authenticity, suppressing your emotions, sharing your emotions. All the advice seems to conflict.


    Daily prompts, stream of conscious writing, goal planning, devotionals, deep thought, bullets. Movement, mantra, breath, sound, transcendental, mindfulness, progressive relaxation, visualization. You've tried it all. You feel defeated and discouraged. 


    Asking for guidance on how to be a "better person," forgiveness for your sins, faith that everything will work out the way it's supposed to. You're not sure exactly what surrendering is, but you've tried it too.


    You need a proven process that creates longterm sustainable change and guides you on how to reduce anxiety and stress and embrace imperfection so that you can feel confident and finally ditch the negative mindset and behaviors that are holding you back.

If you don't take action right now...

  • You'll stay stuck - you'll look back at your life years from now and realize nothing has changed
  • You'll overthink how you’re showing up in relationships (personal or professional)
  • You'll continue to wonder if you're failing and won't be able to gain the confidence that you want, constantly worrying about losing those who are most important to you

This course is so unique because...

Don't waste another day feeling stuck and join our mom tribe!

You deserve this for YOURSELF and SO MUCH MORE mama!

You are WORTH IT!

Frequently Asked Questions:

What stage of motherhood is this for?

How much does it cost?

Are payment plans available?

© Copyrights by The BRAVE Method. All Rights Reserved.